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Profit Miracle: New traffic machine for *PROVEN* passive internet income
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Want to copy the easiest way to make money that requires extremely little effort?? This may be the most life-changing personal letter you'll ever come across.

"I am happy to announce that we have made ProfitMiracle available for you to use for your affiliate marketing efforts. You will love the way it works and how easy it is." - Jamie

*Shocking* time-tested money maker generates traffic with your affiliate link in the first 14 days with very little continued effort or time needed

You've heard this from others and I'll put my own spin on this important truth .... Most money-making opportunities simply do not work - at one point, I was even in a little debt trying so many. It took me an extremely long time to see what truly worked.

Just log in and copy what I did. I merely activated this simple-to-use machine that generates passive income by leveraging the "free traffic" on the internet. I can't disclose everything but yes, even several newbies are doing quite well.

Before you continue to hear what's going on .... STOP and make sure you've already grabbed the following exclusives confidentially.



Two Free Leaked Videos Reveal Brand New Methods To Generate Cash Passively You Can Copy Fast
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Discover the UNTOLD true story of how a personal accident was discovered to be a 'replicable ATM machine'.

From: Jamie Lewis 
Location: New York City

Dear Future Wealth Partner,

My name is Jamie Lewis, and today, I am the co-creator of the Profit Miracle internet traffic machine.

Just over 5 years ago, I was working as a telephone sales rep making minimum wage.

Shortly after, I experimented with every possible method to make any significant money online - it was a nightmare of failures....

When I finally made a few key discoveries, I was at least lucky enough to focus on what was working. One of these was an internet-based business where I'd promote other people's products so I wouldn't have to deal with inventory or production. It worked well and people started asking me to coach them.


... I know what it's like to struggle ....

Years later, I started to develop tools to automate the things I've discovered and fine-tuned. I loved it when my recipes for making money helped others too.

One of my proteges, Lance and I have just produced arguably the most extreme automated profit system in existence ... you simply activate the system and it starts generating internet traffic for you. This same internet traffic creates real revenue... simple yet powerful huh?

Like our previous release, there is a beautiful twist to this ... EVEN a bum off the street with ZERO business experience and ONLY 25 cents to his name can use this to make money with. All he needs is a computer or internet connection. Once he starts and works persistently at it, I would NOT be surprised if one day he becomes a middle class citizen after many checks start clocking in.

Seriously, imagine waking up every single day using this if you were once a bum - trust me, I can relate at some level ... after persisting to success, you can now buy whatever you want in life ... anytime for your spouse, your kids, your friends, yourself, whomever! This system has done that for real people. 

Here's what you DON'T need to succeed:

You do NOT need to put in much effort at all ... after activating it. (see testimonials)
You do NOT need to spend time researching or doing things you don't like - I'd rather be spending my precious time with my family or pets!
You do NOT need to wait long for the traffic and results to come ... sometimes, it even starts instantly as you copy our results.
You do NOT need to be at an office to make this work - I do this in my pajamas at home or on vacation!
You do NOT need to know website setup, file transfer, or any "geek" skills for that matter - they leave me just as clueless so...

Now listen closely ... because this is the core of what I'm revealing... the idea is that one action done ONCE will bring ongoing results and NOT require you to baby-sit constantly - very different than most money making methods or businesses. That's why most are HARD.

Even if you're merely looking at opportunities online - I sincerely don't want you to regret having missed this amazing power. Use it immediately.

Also, We designed this system specifically for NO COST methods, to help anyone make a full-time living working from home or even on vacation 365 days a year.


Let me give you some intriguing, unexpected, and chaotic history...


Well over a year ago, my apprentice Lance had asked me if he could copy some of my profitable marketing campaigns for his personal benefit. I first rejected this since I didn't have much time in my busy schedule. I don't like spending time to teach ... and people hate spending endless hours to learn anyways, right?

Let's just say that Lance was not doing too well (I'm being nice) at first when I just coached him. Only AFTER I gave him access to my EXACT campaigns did he literally replicate the results fast. I look back and asked myself ... "why didn't I give him that resource before?"

He was able to replicate my success - bringing a real life stream of revenue ... and he even took some further than me.

... so guess what he did next? Lance came to me with a suggestion to open up these resources to a small community and see if they'd really help others too ... just a small private club of men and women who were interested in succeeding with our private tools. We also hoped this group would help improve our campaigns like a true "mastermind of friends" so that everyone could make more, sharing new insights and strategies.

*I do in fact experience these results. The average user may achieve little or no results, unless they follow my entire system step-by-step.

"Yes, we took a huge risk ... that ended up helping MANY people"

We had taken a huge risk revealing our own profitable campaigns to the public, knowing that others may use our secrets against us, but at the end of the day, our conversions stayed the same.

Trust me ... I feared this for a long time. Little did we know the opposite effect would happen. To our surprise, our exclusive community improved on our campaigns and some members started making even more than us using our own campaigns!

Was I embarrassed? Sort of. Was I happy? I was ecstatic they helped quite a few people quit their jobs and live the internet lifestyle towards financial freedom! It was amazing and here was the great part - some started making more money than their wildest dreams, no exaggeration.

Despite all the skepticism about how "copying campaigns" would ruin it for everyone else - it actually stayed the same since a good number of people can profit from the same niche. I don't even need to go into how people started making more with a powerful synergy of the group.

Anyways, once Lance copied my campaigns, he realized something..... that there was a WHOLE other dimension of the internet that our community was not making money from ... something MASSIVELY untapped.....


 See what this best-selling business author had to say about us....

"THE shortcut for even the most inexperienced to create an automated business which drives income."
"I can't see why anyone starting out online would not recognize the value here. It can make life so much easier, saving effort and time even for those who are already doing well. Now, I've coached and mentored many successful people online and understand the hardships people go through to reach that success.

 I can see how this is one of THE shortcuts for even the most inexperienced to create an automated business which drives income. I give my stamp of approval and it's an amazing thing designed"

- Dan Lok, Best-Selling Business Author on & World-Renowned "Website Conversion Expert"

These are testimonials by expert marketers who received promotional copies of our system.

... Even professional online entrepreneurs & CEOs are raving about our system....

"This taps an endless supply of free traffic and that in itself is invaluable"
"Guys, as an owner of several very successful e-commerce stores, I'll tell you this ... anyone running a business on the internet - or planning to one day - needs your system PERIOD! This system is beyond fantastic and I'm regretting not having it before. Secondly, I plan to show others who can benefit from this as well even if it's for extra revenue."

- D. B., CEO & President"

These are testimonials by expert marketers who received promotional copies of our system.

Anyways, it was an unexpected TURNING point that we experienced ....

Our community was doing so well with our campaigns that they simply were demanding so much more. One of the most common questions were "can you give us more campaigns that you're testing?" and also "Are there more profit methods I can add into my growing portfolio?" They wanted new, easier methods of generating income. We came up with a blank stare for a while.

Fast forward 4 months in.... we experimented with a system that would create articles and attract search engine traffic like crazy. They weren't as fast in profit as our campaigns, but once you set them up, they make sales and profits virtually for life. It was truly amazing.... and a light bulb went off


Unfortunately, big visions sometimes come with a BIG PROBLEM ...

Our system went out of control a lot of times... it would spin weird articles that even went in front of press releases.

Some news agencies were even shocked that we got on top of them in the search engine rankings and pages. Basically, it was doing TOO WELL.... we just couldn't control it 100% yet.

We sat back for 2 more months and literally TAMED this 'beast' by separating the system into different categories and niches. Leaving only the super-profitable ones to use.... we actually kept silent about this for a time-being.

It wasn't long until we'd try an experiment like this now.... (don't spread this either - seriously)

We dedicated more time to research how we could constantly improve the system for ourselves and YOU. Our goal? To perfect the system so its easy enough for anyone to use: Let the business self-rejuvenate. The risk, blood, sweat, and tears finally paid off.

After the final stable release, we confirmed the system is now fully controllable in terms of generating profits and traffic.... we codenamed it the "Profit Miracle". It was an enormous success in our eyes.

See the income generated by traffic from ONE article...

*I do in fact experience these results. The average user may achieve little or no results, unless they follow my entire system step-by-step.

PROOF: That's just one 'free traffic campaign' that made me a LOT in 2 weeks!

The more you use this machine, the more traffic it generates from the search engines and big websites ... and the more you can make - replicating our exact results.


We call each use of the machine a "campaign" in this case ... yes, you can even copy the exact campaign to bring the same incredible results BUT it'll just be a lot slower and not as sure-fire than if you used Profit Miracle.

With this, we just choose and activate. The system then executes an online action so you just set it and forget it. Obviously, I normally keep watching mine because it's pretty exciting (personal choice).

Below is yet another campaign producing 34 sales in one day just with the Profit Miracle machine. Remember that these campaigns just promote other people's products without me needing any inventory - it's the best business in the world in my opinion for wealth AND freedom. (I'll show you how to set it up - it's super easy and requires no technical skills)

And please don't ask me why your own campaigns that you created do not produce results like these. If that's the case, I bet there is a 99.9% chance you haven't tried this almost 100% done-for-you system yet.


The truth is: if you follow my exact system, you really can't go wrong with this machine.

On a strict budget? Pull the trigger and launch this incredible system to supercharge your business. For example, I've just made enough money to retire and NEVER worry about money ever again. (I secretly hate math anyways - spend money as you wish for the rest of your LIFE is what I enjoy - don't you agree?.)


Yes, it actually creates the article itself and brings revenue via free traffic sources...

That's right. What if you could pick any niche, copy our profitable campaigns and place them on a set-and-forget mode? Your bank would appreciate all the dollars flowing into it, right? (That's the truth) Also from a business-standpoint, it's called a business with an "infinite margin" - now, that's something most large companies would kill for.

( this is the infamous "propeller effect" that Profit Miracle exhibits for the user - in the health niche where you literally cannot stop it from making money even if you tried! )

.... Here's the interesting part... the traffic that converts did not cost me a cent to get - right from the machine.

So, I need to ask you a very important question: What if you could use a control panel that provided everything you needed to profit and did not require any costs after one single initial license investment to cover rudimentary costs?

What if you could use free resources online to promote and profit like a super-guru (without any mistakes possible) ... and make up to thousands per week (actually much more is realistic too).

These are all realistic questions that you MUST ask yourself before visiting any other marketing website besides this brand new technology that we've made ultra easy to use.


Choose a campaign to work with
Activate the article creator
Watch your articles bring traffic


Sometimes I use this and am forced to ask myself, "Please... Pinch me, wake me up because I must be dreaming - a money maker can't be this easy!"


And Lance then conferences me with our coaching team: nope, it wasn't a dream, this is a modern age reality, made possible from a fusion of technology and internet traffic - except it's made so simple that even an 8-year old can get the hang of it (yes, my son is 8 years old).

( Below is the "lightning rod effect" where some niches start off slow for about 1 week and then BLOW up in profits a week later... you will be stunned at how replicable this is )


Now for the BIG QUESTION we've just now been getting...


"If this machine is so profitable - why are you even allowing access to it for anyone else?"

You know. I totally understand how anyone would ask this. We've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that giving away our secrets in the past (many times for free), it had never hurt our income. As a matter of fact, we only GAINED valuable friends and allies along the way in our exclusive community. This has actually helped us far more than "hiding our little secrets".

The same thing with Profit Miracle ... we also have another reason... it's because we welcome other people to help us improve this machine to the point where all users are hitting a high income every single week they use it.

Ambitious goal? Perhaps - and we're beyond confident.

Another burning question that may have been in your mind is: ""I know that some people on the internet have it made! What am I doing differently that I can't make ROI???!" I asked the exact same question over and over in the past and probably was worse off before than you.

Here's another dirty little secret most successful people (yes, including those gurus) try hard not to leak out.... want to know?

Successful people don't re-invent the wheel. They use what's there already for leverage.

"I call it the 'retirement insurance' engine!"
"Absolutely amazing machine. Why didn't I think of this profit vehicle earlier? You guys come up with insanely good stuff and this one ... once again not only works but prospers and causes any user to see the immediate value. I call it the 'retirement insurance' engine!"

- Matt B."

These are testimonials by expert marketers who received promotional copies of our system.

Here's the perfect example re-iterated...

When my apprentice Lance first came to me, he was successful with only a few small niches. To be honest, he was losing more than he was earning, but HE KNEW THAT OTHER SUCCESSFUL PROFITEERS WERE DOING IT. He asked me in our first phone call "What am I doing wrong?" just to confirm my thoughts too.

I told him again & again the correct answer, but when he went to implement what I had showed him with larger, more competitive niches, he would always do something wrong in the process and he would lose money. Neither of us were laughing at this.

After I allowed Lance to copy my exact campaigns, and he finally got tremendous results even in the most competitive spaces.

Since my campaigns were usually quite profitable, they worked easily after he plugged them in.

The Profit Miracle machine takes those same campaigns and brings the "free traffic" version of them. This adds yet another layer of profits within the same secret campaigns!

It has several award-winning features and approved by our trusted, existing community:

Easy as hell to use. (excuse my 'french' but I must state my very strong belief in this - should I say ... this makes everything else you've tried LOOK HARD in comparison!)
Does not require start up costs after you access this - this is about "free traffic" - remember?
Is designed to make tons of online commissions - and increase your cash flow (and yes, net worth) with very little effort.

What did this all translate to?

Translation? The one system that I would hand to my closest of friends or family in need of supplementary income, especially in this financial situation the world is going through and will likely go through for the next few years. (Hopefully not - but we have this just in case to NEVER fear again...)

Yes, we intend this to work beautifully despite external circumstances.

I had a dream not too long ago that I'd literally help a good portion of the population come out of the "struggling mentality" to a triumph with such a system.

Idealistic? Do I deserve to be laughed at? Maybe. But who cares... it's my dream and one vision. As they say 'If you're goal isn't worth failing at, it probably isn't BIG enough'. Do you agree with this? I live by it and believe in giving back as a higher calling - not to mention the fun of inventing something powerful.


"Press a button and watch cash pour into my bank account ... working full-time online has never produced such easy results until now. "



Two Free Leaked Videos Reveal Brand New Methods To Generate Cash Passively You Can Copy Fast
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We hate spam. Your privacy is important.


After you begin to activate this, you will understand what a highly profitable campaign takes to work, and you will trust the mechanism. You need to have faith in the industry and understand YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING WRONG if you are not making money.

I would tell you EXACTLY what you are doing wrong, but first I need to reveal to you how the new system works in fine detail.


"Not only does it earn long-term income ... but it does without my attention at all"
"I've been personally asked to check out a lot of cash-generating methods. Believe me - I've seen your good, bad, and ugly of what truly works for making money online. I'm not afraid to judge harshly on how easy or effective something is or isn't.
This was quite a little ironic surprise with its bold promises. I never would have thought not only does it earn long-term income ... but it does without my attention at all" - (he loved it)

- Jonny Andrews
These are testimonials by expert marketers who received promotional copies of our system.

The inner workings revealed...

The control panel is designed to do one thing ... help you make as much money as possible online by leveraging the power of billions of "hits" in cyberspace. Don't fear the terminology because I promise you 70% of the members are fairly new to computers even - and nothing has stopped them from doing well.

When you log in, you will be copying the same campaigns that we have used and continue to use. We go further to explain INDIVIDUALLY how to promote them without cost and minimal effort. It's a carbon copy blueprint leaving no stone unturned.

*I do in fact experience these results. The average user may achieve little or no results, unless they follow my entire system step-by-step.

This collection of real life campaigns and software is a must-have for anyone who seeks to make a true passive income over the internet. What does a "true" passive income mean?

 >> NO day jobs if you don't want - you set your own hours ... well there really aren't many hours needed after you start!

>> NO Boss - you are your own boss now and forever.

>> NO financial worries - the system can take care of you for life, and you can give yourself mega bonuses or raises at will.

>> NO MORE BROKEN SYSTEMS - it simply will work if you follow my steps, period. 


 ... These niches revealed are like nothing you have ever seen before!


They are all recently discovered and our research was based on a new concept we are going by:

Markets with huge traffic, low competition and HEAVY PROFITS!

We automatically discard any niche that does not retain these traits to make the system work best for you.

Rehashed methods that are over saturated
Something that is hard to pick up and learn (No learning required! Just copy or activate!)
A simple product that you do NOT need.


You may be asking "Don't internet opportunity programs always have a catch?" They always seem to involve so much more than the initial investment right? Watch what the following people say....

" I must admit that your Profit Miracle 1.0 was a stunner. "

" Hi Jamie,
I have looked at many programs before,but made the right decision when I bought PM 1.0 and cannot wait for your release of Profit Miracle 2.0.

I trust that I will benefit as much and even more from the new added features. KEEP IT UP. "

- Freddie L

This is a testimonial from one of our members who experienced a result from our system. Average results are unknown.

"One can spend over $10,000 or more seminars ... still not get even a fraction of the real-life results"

"One can spend over $10,000 or more on seminars and tapes and ebooks ... and still not get even a fraction of the real-life results that this can bring. Despite my initial skepticism, I'm quite impressed with what Profit Miracle is and is doing for me. I would have never thought!"

- J. Lev  USA

These are testimonials by expert marketers who received promotional copies of our system.

" I cranked out my 1st article, followed and implemented the easy step by step training, and BANG!!! "

" Hi as a newbie 'wannabe' marketer I scoured the internet for endless hours searching for a course or program or system of sorts to teach and help me launch my affiliate marketing online career... I purchased Profit Miracle on the 26th October 2009 and completed about 90% of the training before launching my 1st campaign ever 2 days later on the 28th October... I decided to choose the least appealing niche and one that I knew nothing about, just so i could by trial and error test drive the Profit Miracle System.

I cranked out my 1st article, followed and implemented  the easy step by step training, and BANG!!! I had a NO 2 GOOGLE ORGANIC RANKING for my Keywords Search on the 31st October 2009... thats within 72 hours.. Unbelievable!!!

I am writing this on the 14th January 2010 and my google ranking since has bounced from no 1 to no 8 and in between, but never out the 1st page and it seems to have settled at no 2, for now.

I wrote a 2nd article for the same campaign 1 month later on the 3rd December and that ones now gone to no 3 spot quick quick, and stayed there!

Very powerful stuff Jamie, brilliant! "

Kind regards

- Spiros B

This is a testimonial from one of our members who experienced a result from our system. Average results are unknown.

There is always something that you need to do or a certain amount that you need to spend, in order to make significant profit. Most of the time they don't even work - right from the get-go. 


"Profit Miracle is more than an exception. It can REVERSE failures into success - current struggles into prosperity - and this statement is very specific and true"

Is a no-cost "dream" situation actually possible? Is there a way to collect commissions online without having to spend money or lots of time? YES!

" The Profit Miracle methods really work and best of all you can keep scaling these up until you reach any income goal you have "

" Jamie and his team gave me the exact blueprints, niches and attack plans that I needed in order to start making great income online. This is where I learned my trade and it's where I continue to build and grow my whole business.

If you want to make money now, without losing your shirt on useless e-books or overpriced PPC fluff then you are in the right place.

The Profit Miracle methods really work and best of all you can keep scaling these up until you reach any income goal you have. Thanks!  "

- Rich R
- Staffordshire, UK

This is a testimonial from one of our members who experienced a result from our system. Average results are unknown.

This software (or "profit machine") ROCKS. Just log in, pick the campaign, and press the button!

The done-for-you machine will...

Give you our actual REAL profiting campaigns in HIGH DEMAND, HIGH TRAFFIC niches.

The most obscure Niche List: Over 60 of the most obscure passion filled niches for you to expand your profits with.
Show you exactly which FREE outlets work to successfully promote the niche.
We show you which outlets DO NOT work and which ones to avoid like the plague. (You will be surprised to find that thousands of marketers fall into these traps everyday.)
Save you immense research time. More like nearly eliminate - because you just activate it.
Give you a never ending supply of campaigns that profit using artificial intelligence technology.
Create ads for you using new technologies so all you have to do is press a button and never write an ad again.
Show you which services can potentially double your ROI in a matter of minutes. All are tested for easiness first.
Give you the resources you need to survive and grow - against saturation or competition.
I'll show you how I explode my bank account on demand (yes - this is next level stuff) ... so there is NEVER "hard times".
Ready to NEVER work again in your entire life? After you apply this, I don't even need to prove it .... seriously.

We codenamed it "a miracle" even before we stabilized it and I am not exaggerating ...

50 of our best "free traffic" campaigns complete with individual information guides, color coded traffic, conversion and competition indicators
The Profit Miracle E-book: All new insane strategies for DOMINATION. Find out where to research niches on your own, and copy OTHER resources online. These methods and concepts have not yet been leaked at all and are UGLY!!!
Beginner to advanced institute - you'll have this just in case your relatives ask you whether you are dealing drugs or not to make all this money.
9 revealing strategy videos (if you even care to watch because it requires so little effort)
Article creator (Artificial intelligence so you don't have to think or even lift a finger EVER!) - simple activation here again.


With that being said, in addition, we have included the most intuitive video collection ever made for internet marketers.

Not only is this video collection a breakthrough in modern internet marketing, but Jamie designed it to work seamlessly with the Profit Miracle machine, enabling you to take them to the next level and potentially make even more.

Affiliate Marketing Blueprint

The exclusive article marketing blueprint revealed. Earn money online promoting products via affiliate links! It's fast and easy!
Learn lightning fast tactics that will give you power to take over the game quickly. (Again, this is the difference between making merely an easy full-time income and actually making enough to afford anything you desire, like one of our actual beta-testers.)

The Profit Miracle Campaigns

Learn how to use the Profit Miracle System: When utilized, you will find that Profit Miracle is the most powerful system you have ever used for your article marketing endeavors.
No two campaigns are alike,
The sky is the limit! Access the largest & diverse niches available. These niches have almost zero saturation. We are giving you these free traffic campaigns and showing you how to use them with article marketing.

Article Submissions

Where do I submit articles? Learn the top article submission sites that the search engines love. You can potentially obtain a 1st page Google or Yahoo position just by submitting your articles to these secretly  revealed sites.

Landing Page Magic

Use captivating landing pages to magnify your income and cash flow. This is one of the advanced article marketing approaches. We'll show you how to build a page by using secret SEO techniques that will convert like crazy.

Forum Marketing Sniper

Use online forums to make on-going cash. This is seriously easy and quick. Already do Forum Marketing? (Probably) Well we've got some tricks you will not believe.
We will show you how to find the right niches to concentrate your strongest effort for powerfully real results and how to build your business.

SEO Vortex *NEW*

Search Engine Optimization: Learn how to reach top positions on Google with your landing page or website with genius strategies no one knows about. These tactics are the best Google and Yahoo methods that will bring you insane #1 search engine results!
Move up the search engines faster than you have ever seen, dominating the competition, sending them back to the 30th page search results. We have used these tactics ourselves to catapult to #1 position over & over again!

Google Adwords Madness *NEW*

Never used Pay Per Click or Adwords Advertising before? Learn how to master PPC advertising and become a powerful guru. (We do more than $3000 a day with AdWords.) Note that is the only video that's not free traffic - but there is a killer advantage - you can potentially make hundreds of dollars within minutes - no exaggeration!
*I do in fact experience these results. The average user may achieve little or no results, unless they follow my entire system step-by-step.


Besides allowing people to finally make a great living online...

The consensus is without a doubt ... that ProfitMiracle is also the future of affiliate marketing using almost all FREE, NO COST methods.


Profit Miracle will tremendously help everyone ... the familiar beginner, the mediocre experienced, the advanced and even the super advanced.

Even if you are totally new to computers and the vast opportunities over the internet, this is a legitimate software that easily does the efforts for you.

But I'll tell you one thing ... there are some people who this system is NOT for:


... the system is NOT for people who do not believe in the idea of free traffic and automation. If you are this type of person, I honestly don't think this is for you.

If you want a software that cannot go wrong in terms of making revenue potential, then please access the Profit Miracle machine right now

Here's a bold yet truly-tested system....


Nothing like this exists...and that is a FACT!

"Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I'd try it because I know I'll make it back."

"After trying this out inside, all I can say is WOW, triple wow. Everything is literally pre-done for me here.

I'll flat out say it - this is probably one of the only things I would have needed to get myself out of debt back in the day. Even if I was on my last hundred bucks, I'd try it because I know I'll make it back.

I almost wonder why didn't you guys come out with this earlier?!!
Fortunately, I'm not in such a situation anymore and I'm going to use this for adding a new stream of income each time I use it.

Anyhow, this is going to sound harsh but you'd have to be very, very self-sabotaging to actually not make a profit (if not a great living) just via this automated revenue machine. You'd have to try really hard to fail and that's an understatement of how sure-fire this thing is."

- Lanty Paul

These are testimonials by expert marketers who received promotional copies of our system.

Now is that all? Heck no. You're going to get TSAM, ForTheLoveOFCash, The Profit arsenal, and one hour consultation with our exclusive 1-on-1 coaching group.

TSAM? Its my first video project. I still recommend it to my closest friends to get them up to par with affiliate marketing and show them tricks and skills they can use to boost their online game.

ForTheLoveOfCash? This is my marketing bible. I highly recommend reading this ebook since it is one of the most thorough & rich with information resources out there.

With your commitment to Profit Miracle (more like "press this button"), you will receive a one hour consultation with our coaching group. You will learn all about OPM, leverage, and how to skyrocket your existing business whether online or brick & mortar. This is an opportunity of a lifetime and I doubt you'll even need this for real, on-going success.

Using internet marketing to produce real profits like these has never ever been so easy and with such little effort - I'm more than confident that this will work for years to come!


Act now and get a must-have bonus worth $379.00:

These videos will show you how to supercharge your existing business and jump your income in days.... except this time using only FREE TRAFFIC generation which the competition cannot even hope to take.


The Advanced Video Archive

Destroy your competition with proven,
time-tested tactics that will make a mockery

of anyone else trying to take your spot.


This license is exclusive. The official, the one & only done-for-you system to passive, free traffic profits.


Iron-Clad 8 Week Unconditional Promise

We value your trust in our promise. Take 60 FULL days to simply try out the Profit Miracle Membership. As a matter of fact, try it tonight.

You can make real, on-going profits that come in passively, simple as that. Yes, even if you barely understand the work-at-home concepts and computers - we guide you 100%. Profit Miracle can make your investment back many, many times over. It's like we are almost giving it to you for free until you profit.

I'll even go a step further and claim that after you start our system, many other ones will instantly look very unappealing - I dare you honestly.

Within 60 days... if you're not duplicating extra POWERHOUSE income streams after giving these strategies your sincere effort, then just contact us right away for support. If we truly can't guide you and prove that failure is NOT an option, then we'll promptly REFUND EVERY RED CENT. This is why it's a virtually RISKLESS offer.


We Are With #1 Trusted & Reputable Clickbank

What it will take to get it...


The exclusive Profit Miracle license & membership requires a single commitment from you. This decision is yours. No hard work- just a simple mental choice.

FACT: The significant time you would ordinarily spend to create and launch these amount of revenue streams using FREE traffic is in the hundreds of hours range. As billionaire Henry Ford once said "Time is money." The rule is to not waste time. Because if you waste time, you are wasting your life.

Let's say you researched and created a campaign every 4 hours. (Which would be extremely fast even if you're good) it would take you 200 hours to create our initial 50 Profit Miracle campaigns.

Even if you worked at McDonalds for $5 an hour, this 200 hours of work would still cost your boss $1,400 or more.

Well hopefully you don't ever see yourself working at a McDonalds' wage (No offense intended if you do - I did a long time ago)

But the reality is, you would probably want 4 weeks worth of income for your 200 hours spent. This can be upwards of $6,000 if you were getting paid $30 an hour.

Aside from this appraisal, you'd agree that the Profit Miracle system & machine are PRICELESS and would be very expensive in terms of the "real labor" that it can produce.

But lets go in reverse for a second, and look at the McDonald's example again: 200 hours would indeed make you $1400 at $7 an hour. Profit Miracle website does not even ask you for $1,400.

It's really just $97.00 + $90.00 per month afterwards to access the machine for income streams anytime. This covers the maintenance cost of the server we host this technology on.

Since you are the one investing, you are the boss.

At any time you can cancel your agreement with us. It's as easy as sending customer support an email and explaining that you do not want to work with us and use our resource any longer.


Get a license now ... DO NOT WAIT on this because we only have a limited amount of licenses to use this machine.

Limited offer: Get a license today and never pay a monthly fee ever to use the system


YES Jamie! I want to take advantage of your limited-offer where the $90.00/month fee will be eliminated forever and now only a one-time fee

I want all the campaigns forever, and use them to make my own commissions.
I want to destroy my competitors with secret tactics that have never been revealed before.
I understand that the elimination of the $90.00/monthly is only for those who get in on this promotion.


Get it while its hot and the niches are still untapped!

Hold down your Profit Miracle real estate FIRST. Do not hesitate! That is our urgent and very real recommendation. We are looking out for you!

ACCESS ProfitMiracle:

You can download the system instantly for $97.00 + $90.00 monthly onward
New Release Time-Sensitive:

For a one-time payment of $97 $77...
Download the only replicable system
to hit the online marketing world in years.

($77 for the next few orders)
One time payment:
Order via ClickBank's secure payment servers
via either card or Paypal. Instant download.
Need to speak with someone? Email us at

Wishing you the most real success you've ever seen,

P.S. Remember, the EXTRA BONUS consultation is for an extremely limited number of licenses. Do not sleep on it. Try the Profit Miracle machine immediately.

P.P.S. If you don't like it, cancel. You only have to invest once for the simple license ... and the income keeps coming. You may find yourself literally not being able to stop the profits coming in.  

P.P.P.S. This is NOT for everyone - again don't spread this personal letter. We only want to work with a VERY exclusive community who will benefit tremendously from copying what we do and automating profits like we do ....  get a membership now only if you want the no-risk benefits described. If you haven't already, also get a free sample.







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Minggu, 30 November 2014

Integrasi Ekonomi: Belajar dari Uni Eropa

Integrasi Ekonomi: Belajar dari Uni Eropa Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Beberapa waktu silam Bisnis mendapatkan undangan dari Uni Eropa untuk mengikuti seminar khusus wartawan Asean tentang mata uang tunggal Eropa (euro) dan berbagai isyu di baliknya. Tulisan berikut adalah beberapa catatan dari seminar tersebut.

BRUSSELS (Bisnis): Krisis ekonomi yang melanda Asia Tenggara mendorong banyak pihak untuk memikirkan kembali kemungkinan membangun ikatan ekonomi pada skala regional sedemikian rupa sehingga lebih kokoh dalam menghadapi kemungkinan krisis berikutnya.

Di luar rencana mengenai pasar bebas Asean (AFTA), masih bisa disebut sejumlah ide seperti mata uang tunggal, integrasi sistem pabean, sampai pembentukan dana moneter Asia Tenggara (AMF). Pertanyaannya, realistiskah ide-ide itu?

Menyangkut kerjasama ekonomi seperti ini tak berlebihan kalau dikatakan, Uni Eropa adalah tempat belajar yang baik. Uni Eropa adalah sekumpulan negara dengan perbedaan tajam (bahkan dengan kebanggaan penuh untuk saling berbeda) yang mau duduk bersama, mendamaikan kepentingan nasional dengan kepentingan regional.

Albert Maes, profesor ekonomi di Universitas Namur (Belgia), mengatakan ada kesamaan yang sedemikian fundamental antara prakondisi Uni Eropa dengan (kalau mau dibentuk) prakondisi integrasi ekonomi Asean. Prakondisi Uni Ero
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Rabu, 26 November 2014

Pedang Kehidupan

Pedang Kehidupan Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Bocah itu bernama Kochi, hanya Kochi. Banyak orang mengalamatkan pertanyaan prihal nama itu. Kochi membisu. Mana sempat ia bersapa apa lagi bertanya prihal asal-usul namanya, orang tuanya saja ia tidak ingat. Sekelebat ingatan yang berhubungan dengan orang tuanya hanyalah tentamg sapuan angin. Malam itu, orang tua Kochi bertranformasi menjadi angin. Bebas. Terbang. Terbenam. Ayahnya, seorang pendekar pedang hebat. Begitu pula Kochi. Sejak usia belia ia telah berusaha mempertajam indranya untuk menebas. Menebas semua termasuk rasa rindu akan pelukan Ibu yang tak pernah ia rasa dalam ingatan.

Kochi berlatih dengan seorang guru, guru Ching. Guru Ching sudah uzur. Sebentar lagi nyawanya akan lapuk di makan lumut akhirat. Lumut akhirat itu hebat. Lebih hebat dari lumut apapun. Tapi, lumut biasapun hebat. Batu raksasa dibinasakan dengan perlahan. Akan tetapi, lumut akhirat jauh lebih hebat. Nyawa yang di buat dari unsur tak terkenali bisa dihancurkan dengan akarnya.
“Bagaimana lumut itu hidup?”
“Sesuatu yang kau sebut dosa.” Jawab guru Ching singkat.

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Selasa, 25 November 2014

Rahasia Si Untung

Rahasia Si Untung Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Kita semua pasti kenal tokoh si Untung di komik Donald Bebek. Berlawanan dengan Donald yang selalu sial. Si Untung ini dikisahkan untung terus. Ada saja keberuntungan yang selalu menghampiri tokoh bebek yang di Amerika bernama asli Gladstone ini. Betapa enaknya hidup si Untung. Pemalas, tidak pernah bekerja, tapi selalu lebih untung dari Donald. Jika Untung dan Donald berjalan bersama, yang tiba-tiba menemukan sekeping uang dijalan, pastilah itu si Untung. Jika Anda juga ingin selalu beruntung seperti si Untung, dont worry, ternyata beruntung itu ada ilmunya.

Professor Richard Wiseman dari University of Hertfordshire Inggris, mencoba meneliti hal-hal yang membedakan orang2 beruntung dengan yang sial. Wiseman merekrut sekelompok orang yang merasa hidupnya selalu untung, dan sekelompok lain yang hidupnya selalu sial. Memang kesan nya seperti main-main, bagaimana mungkin keberuntungan bisa diteliti. Namun ternyata memang orang yang beruntung bertindak berbeda dengan mereka yang sial.

Misalnya, dalam salah satu penelitian the Luck Project ini, Wiseman memberikan tugas untuk menghitung berapa jumlah foto dalam koran yang dibagikan kepada dua kelompok tadi. Orang2 dari kelompok sial memerlukan waktu rata-rata 2 menit untuk menyelesaikan tugas ini. Sementara mereka dari kelompok si Untung hanya perlu beberapa detik saja! Lho kok bisa?

Ya, karena s
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Jumat, 07 November 2014


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - POHON PAKIS DAN BAMBUAlkisah, tersebutlah seorang pria yang putus asa dan ingin meninggalkan segalanya. Meninggalkan pekerjaan, hubungan, dan berhenti hidup. Ia lalu pergi ke hutan untuk bicara yang terakhir kalinya dengan Tuhan Sang Maha Pencipta. “Tuhan,” katanya. “Apakah Tuhan bisa memberi saya satu alasan yang baik untuk jangan berhenti hidup dan menyerah?” Jawaban Tuhan sangat mengejutkan. “Coba lihat ke sekitarmu. Apakah kamu melihat pakis dan bambu?” Ya,” jawab pria itu. “Ketika menanam benih pakis dan benih bambu, Aku merawat keduanya secara sangat baik. Aku memberi keduanya cahaya. Memberikan air. Pakis tumbuh cepat di bumi. Daunnya yang hijau segar menutupi permukaan tanah hutan. Sementara itu, benih bambu tidak menghasilkan apapun. Tapi Aku tidak menyerah. Pada tahun kedua, pakis tumbuh makin subur dan banyak, tapi belum ada juga yang muncul dari benih bambu. Tapi Aku tidak menyerah. Di tahun ketiga, benih bambu belum juga memunculkan sesuatu. Tapi Aku tidak menyerah. Di tahun ke-4, masih juga belum ada apapun dari benih bambu. Aku tidak menyerah,” kata-Nya. “Di tahun kelima, muncul sebuah tunas kecil. Dibanding dengan pohon pakis, tunas itu tampak kecil dan tidak bermakna. Tapi 6 bulan kemudian, bambu itu menjulang sampai 100 kaki. Untuk menumbuhkan akar itu perlu waktu 5 tahun. Akar ini membuat bambu kuat dan memberi apa yang diperlukan bambu untuk bertahan hidup. Aku tak akan memberi cobaan yang tak sangup diatasi ciptaan-Ku,” kata Tuhan kepada pr....
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Sabtu, 01 November 2014

Indahnya Kebersamaan

Indahnya Kebersamaan - Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Saat itu, hari pertama berkemah di sebuah desa yang bernama desa Dangdeur, pagi harinya murid murid melakukan upacara pembukaan perkemahan di Desa tersebut, lalu sesudah upacara semua bersiap untuk melakukan jelajah..

Jelajah pun di mulai, banyak sekali regu yang mengikuti jelajah, telah agak lama saya dan kawan kawan menunggu, akhirnya tiba saat pemberangkatan, kelompok saya beranggotakan 4 orang termasuk saya, pos per pos pun telah di lalui, pas di pos ke 5 inilah kebersamaan kami di uji..

“apa pengertian dari polisi?” tanya kakak senior, lalu kakak tersebut menunjuk salah satu anggota kami yaitu Dede, dan Dede pun tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan kakak tersebut, kakak tersebut berbicara kepada dede “cepat masuk ke sana” (menunjuk ke arah sawah yang baru saja di bajak) dengan suara keras kakak itu memerintahnya, lalu kakak tersebut bertanya kembali “apa pengertian dari PKS?” lalu kakak tersebut menunjuk saya, dan saya menjawab “PKS adalah sebuah organisasi yang merupakan wadah atau tempat berpartisipasinya para pelajar dalam bidang kelalulintasan serta cinta sekolahnya masing masing”, dan ternyata jawabannya benar.. “apa fungsi dari polisi menurut fikiran kalian” kakak tersebut memberi pertanyaan kepada salah satu anggota kami, yaitu Ripan, “mmm…” dia berkata, dia tidak bisa menjawabnya dan dia pun di suruh untuk masuk ke area sawah, dan anggota yang satu nya pun berhasil menjawab pertanyaan kakak tersebut, 2 orang tadi yang di suruh masuk ke area sawah pun di hukum, mereka di suruh untuk merayap di atas lumpur

Kakak tersebut melirik ke arah anggota lainnya yang tidak di hukum, “Mana kebersamaan kalian, hahh?” kakak senior berbicara dengan nada tinggi, lalu kami pun ikut merayap di atas
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